Archive for May, 2011

Those Darn Patterns That Keep Us Stuck

Do You Ever Feel Like you keep repeating the same bad pattern over and over? That you keep winding up in similar, negative situations? Feel like bad things keep happening to you? Like your life is living you? Or like you live under a black cloud?

Jennifer did.  But at first, she didn’t. She shrugged things off to being others’ problems and others’ issues.  She was working at a job she loved where she had a lot of responsibility and also a lot of independence.  She made her own schedule and enjoyed the flexibility and creativity it allowed.  She saw herself as friendly, outgoing, fun, open, and easy-going. Contrary to her self-perception, her co-workers viewed her as aloof, intimidating, as someone who didn’t need any help and who shrugged responsibility off on others.

When this job came to an abrupt end, Jennifer was devastated at what she termed others’ passive-aggressiveness. She felt like they had pretended everything was fine to her face, but then stabbed her in the back in the end. She easily attributed her job-loss as a great injustice and decided to move on.

She then got a completely different job in a completely different field. She thought she was doing a very good job and enjoyed the people with whom she worked.  Everything was great, until she got a phone call from her manager requesting a meeting.  He let Jennifer know that all was okay, that he just had some things to discuss with her. In that meeting, Jennifer was fired. Again she felt a greatly betrayed.

Although quite despondent, Jennifer could no longer pretend that she was a victim. She was able to recognize a pattern and sought help so that she would not continue to repeat it and the pain it inflicted.

Through hypnotherapy, Jennifer got to the source of what was causing her to unconsciously re-create this pattern of deception and betrayal. In just a couple of sessions, she was able to change the pattern and enter into the work force with a newfound sense of security and confidence.

If you can relate to Jennifer’s story and have patterns of your own that are causing you pain and keeping you stuck, hypnotherapy could be a great solution! Give me a call 303-396-8084 and we can evaluate your situation to determine if hypnotherapy is right for you.

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Anticipating the Good

Anticipating the Good
Anxiety about Change

From: Daily OM

Change will occur in almost every aspect of our lives, we can learn to embrace it while releasing the past with grace.

When we find ourselves going through any kind of change in our lives, our natural response may be to tense up on the physical, mental, or emotional level. We may not even notice that we have braced ourselves against a shift until we recognize the anxiety, mood swings, or general worried feeling toward the unknown that usually results. There are positive ways to move through change without pushing it away, however, or attempting to deny that it is happening. Since change will occur in almost every aspect of our lives, we can learn to make our response to it an affirmative one of anticipation, welcoming the new while releasing the past with grace.

One thing we can do is change our perspective by changing the labels we use to identify our feelings. We can reinterpret feelings of anxiety as the anxious butterflies that come with eager expectation. With this shift, we begin to look for the good that is on its way to us. Though we may only be able to imagine the possibilities, when we acknowledge that good is there for us to find, we focus our energy on joyful anticipation and bring it into our experience while allowing the feelings to carry us forward.

We can also choose to do a ceremony to allow our emotions to process. Every culture has created ceremonies to help people make the transition from one phase of life to the next. We can always create a ceremony too, perhaps by burning written thoughts to watch the smoke carry them away, thereby releasing them, or we can welcome new endeavors by planting flowers or trees. Some ceremonial activities such as a farewell send-off or housewarming party, we may do automatically. Society also has built-in ceremonies, like graduation and weddings, which may satisfy the need we feel. Sometimes the shift from denial to acceptance is all that is needed to ease our anxiety, allowing us to bring our memories with us as we move through nervousness to joyful excitement about the good to come.

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